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Architectural plan and drawings

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Includes floor plan , space planning and furniture layout

Architectural 3D Elevation and 3D models

3D/2D elevation and cutsection design

Complete Architectural & Civil drawings

Floor plan, Elevation, Structural Drawings, Working drawings, Electrical, plumbing, drainage

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End to End Project management with supervision till turnkey

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What is interactive architecture

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What is interactive architecture

Architecture is changing with the new dynamics in technology. Imagine one day when the building can decide itself., what mood you’re in and what changes in building dynamics can help lift your mood?

The ability of our buildings to respond to data has now become possible with an advent of technologies. An interaction of the natural and artificial, things that we build and things that surround them is now being used to create remotely controllable and responsive architecture.


Same space can now be put to multiple or better uses with a different configuration in a dynamic responsive way by collecting data from the user by various receptors like their phones, social media interactions, motion detection, and so on.

Our fascination with technology has led us to fill our homes with air-conditioners, televisions, microwaves and telephone wires, and other alluring digital items, in the very near future—as information becomes more readily accessible, powerful, affordable, and intuitive—our buildings will blend it into its framework, similar to a brick in a wall.  
Interactive architecture is a stream of design which aspires to make buildings constituting a combination of sensors, processors and effectors, immersed as a kernel of its nature and functioning. Building automation is the core of interactive architecture but it also goes ahead of it by its response and adaptation to changing circumstances, resulting in a emotive dialogue with its user.


If you need to know about Interactive Architecture? MakeMyHouse brings you stunning examples of Iiteractive architecture design. Just call to our Architecture At - (0731)-6642-310 or visit us -

FIG 1 courtesy kylin vail
FIG 2 courtesy  Miran Kambic
FIG 3 courtesy
