Custom House Design

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Architectural Services

Interior Design

Architectural plan and drawings

Architectural Plan and Design

Includes floor plan , space planning and furniture layout

Architectural 3D Elevation and 3D models

3D/2D elevation and cutsection design

Complete Architectural & Civil drawings

Floor plan, Elevation, Structural Drawings, Working drawings, Electrical, plumbing, drainage

Projects Management & supervision

End to End Project management with supervision till turnkey

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Interior Design solution for full home

Partial Home Interior

Single units like Bedroom, Kitchen, Livingroom, terrace garden etc

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Light in architecture

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Light in architecture

Natural light in homes or offices not only have immense health benefits but also lead to better productivity and comfort. It’s not just the high electricity consumption on artificial lighting that has led to demand and inclination towards better naturally lit spaces, it’s also the increasing understanding of its benefits that has led to consideration of light as a key element in contemporary architecture.   

Light makes one feel happy, energetic, low, cozy or amazed by defining the comfort and atmosphere connected to space.  
An ugly space can be made to look beautiful with better lighting and similarly a good space can have a dungy feel with bad lighting. Thus lighting impacts rooms, be it a workspace or a home.
Windows have been the main interface between inside and outside of a building and they can broadly be divided into two main types, first the window set on the walls of a building, and second the opening light set into the roof, which is known as North lights or roof lights. With a combination of these, one can create spaces that improve human performance and lead

to a better human experience. Also, while enhancing comfort it reduces cost and energy consumption. 
At places where natural light cannot reach artificial lighting is done according to the type of space. Similarly, exterior lighting creates a sense of safety and in addition results in both aesthetic and functional benefits to a building. A home’s appearance can be drastically enhanced even in dark with landscape lighting.

A thoughtful combination of material and light compliments the building’s environment and results in better well being of its users. 
Feel free to contact Make My House Architecture and Interior Design Team for more information about daylighting House Design and natural light in architecture. Visit- 

